We are in the process of revising our child safety policy due to new Child Safe Standards coming into effect as of 1st July 2022.
A reminder to all players that their language, behaviour, and sportsmanship must be appropriate for the presence of children.
Initial updates are:
- Children must be picked up and dropped off from within the hall rather than dropped outside, whether playing at Nagle or BARC. We simply do not know if they have been collected safely if they wait outside in the dark.
- Two Committee members must be present for a child to be left unaccompanied. All Committee members hold a Working With Children Check. A parent must remain until two Committee members have arrived. Should there not be two Committee members present, then the parent/guardian must remain for the duration of play to supervise their child or the child will be unable to attend.
(Committee members are Ruth, Mario, Debbie, Troy, Rohan & Sema).
- Our minimum age for members is Grade 6 students (age 11/12 years).
- All visitors/casual players must provide their name and at least one method of contact (phone/email address).
Further updates will follow.